Learning how to raise honey bees is an honorable hobby, and it can work into a rewarding profession as well. After all bees are totally necessary for our natural environment. They pollinate about 80% of all flowering plants. But bees are diminishing in number due to the intrusion of pests.
So, if you start beekeeping in your neighborhood, you will be helping to keep our planet green. How about that for an encouragement? Seriously, there is a need for more healthy bees.
As you know, bees live in hives, either natural or artificial. Natural hives are becoming harder and harder to find due to the pestilence mentioned above. But, if you could find a natural hive, you could bring those bees to your hive.
Oh, did I forget to mention that you need a hive? You can build your own hive, or you can purchase one from an established beekeeper.
Once you have your hive ready, you can bring in your bees. Once again, you have a choice to make.
First, you can get your bees from a natural source as mentioned above. By the way, if you find someone who has a hive in their attic or some other cavity in their house, they will gladly let you take the bees for free (might even pay you to do it).
Second, you can buy a bee package. Bee packages are sold by professional beekeepers. They are just a bunch of bees in a box with a queen in a separate container. You take them to your hive and pour them in, hoping that they will like the queen and begin a colony. Within a couple of weeks you may have a working hive.
Third, you can buy a bee package know in the bee trade as a NUC - it stands for Nuclear Hive. Actually it is a mini working hive. Usually NUCs come in a cardboard box with 4 or 5 frames of bees. There is a queen in the NUC who is related to the other bees (unlike the package bees). All you need to do is transfer the bees to your hive, and you are in the beekeeping business.
Of course there is a lot more to know about how to raise honey bees than where to get bees for your hive. The more you read and learn, the better off you will be to start beekeeping and have great success.
Beekeeping is a rewarding hobby. Perhaps you are ready to take the next step in learning about beekeeping for beginners. One of the best things you can do is join a local bee keepers association. You can also take the next step by visiting http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-raise-honeybees. Wishing you a hiveful of success!