Unlike honey, Royal Jelly is not collected by the honey bees from flowers. It is a creamy white substance specially created by worker bees to feed the queen bee throughout her larval and adult life. The worker bees mix honey and bee pollen with enzymes in the glands of their throats to produce the jelly, an extraordinary and only food source for the queen bees and also often called "milk of bees" by many people.
Royal Jelly, an expensive item on the shelf, is increasingly becoming more and more popular as a beauty bee product. Precious and rare, and treasured as a beauty secret of royalty, Royal Jelly nourishes the body on the inside and revitalizes it on the outside as well. More and more girls are coming to understand what this stuff is as its benefits are extensively associated with healthier skin and hair and more youthful appearance. It is not only used in dietary supplements, but also as additions to skin lotions, creams and cosmetics. European women also have used it for its beauty benefits for centuries. Rich in estradiol, a major estrogen functioning as the primary female sex hormone, this natural substance is commonly known to be effective in treating women who have problems with their menstruation such as abnormal cycle, pain, discomfort, and fatigue.
Hailed "one of nature's best kept secrets" by Royden Brown, author of the Bee Hive Product Bible (Avery, 1993), Royal Jelly contains an extraordinarily high concentration of vitamins B5, B6, and amino acids and is believed to be a potent antioxidant a special rejuvenating substance that promotes tissue growth, muscle and cell regeneration. It is taken as a health and energy tonic and remedy for a host of ailments such as:
1) Poor digestion
2) Stomach ulcer
3) High cholesterol
4) Insomnia
5) Menopausal symptoms
6) Fatigue
7) Colds and flu
8) Stress reactions
I found at the supermarket a drink called "Royal Jelly Honey", which was basically honey mixed with the "bee jelly". So far, I have already bought two bottles from the shop. My husband likes it a lot and will always ask me to mix him a glass of icy Royal Jelly honey drink whenever he has a sore throat. It tastes a bit sour and unusual when you first drink it but subsequently I think it really tastes great, especially that it was mixed with chilled water, very refreshing! Besides mineral, amino acid, and vitamins, this special jelly also contains 10-hydroxy decenoic acid which gives the sour taste. This acid can inhibit the bacterial growth and has the function of anti-cancer.
As the "milk of bees" is ultra sour and has a bitter taste and a strong odour, it is normally sold in capsule form for easy and convenient consumption. I have been advised that for best health results, the most ideal time to take this health supplement is in the morning when your stomach is empty.
Source: www.benefits-of-honey.com/royal-jelly.html
R. Tan is the owner of the website benefits-of-honey.com which is a rich honey resource community specially built for all the honey lovers and fans in this world. She has packed this website with a wide range of quality contents on honey based on her knowledge and experience with honey, so as to promote its invaluable benefits which she believes could bring many positive spin-offs in everyone's daily life.